What We’ve Done

For details on our completed projects, with photos, click on the links below:

Borehole Water and Distribution System

In a cooperative effort with Nyamira County we drilled a bore hole for water and installed a pump, a solar power system, a grid connection and distribution pipes to four kiosks to supply the community with fresh water.


Connected to the electricity grid and provided outlets and lighting in 10 schools, 2 healthcare centers and the tea-buying center.


Converted 4.8 km of dirt roads to all-weather stone roads connecting Nyanchonori, Chitago and Kegwanda to the main road system. These have since been widened to 10 meters by Nyamira County and new roads to Igwero and Rigoma have been constructed.

Tea-Buying Center

Built a tea-buying center in Nyanchonori village so that local farmers do not have to walk over 2 km to sell their tea leaves.

Healthcare Centers

Completed the construction of a new healthcare center in Mong’oni village.

Furnished equipment and supplies for the new Nyanchonori Healthcare Center, including a microscope for rapid malaria diagnosis.

Water Tanks

Installed five 2300 liter tanks in schools and healthcare centers.


Provided books, uniforms and desks. Brought over 70 suitcases of supplies during HVCHS/HKA trips in 2007, 2010 and 2012.

AntiMalaria Bednets

Donated and distributed over 5000 bednets during the HVCHS trip in 2007.


Paid for and planted many tree saplings throughout the Nyankoba Ward during several visits.

Map of Keroka and the Nyankoba Ward

To find the Nyankoba Ward on Google Earth, the Nyankoba Tea Factory is located at 0 deg 45 min 33 sec South and 34 deg 55 min 10 sec East. The satellite image was updated in March 2014. A road map of the Nyankoba Ward is shown below:

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