What We’re Doing

For details on the projects we are currently working on, click on the links below:

Road Improvements

Install culverts and upgrade to 5.4 meter wide all-weather stone roads a further 5.6 km of currently unimproved local roads in the Nyankoba Ward that are impassible in wet weather. We are working with Nyamira County to broaden the main roads in the Ward to 12 meters wide.

Water Supply

A 200-meter deep borehole has been drilled by Nyamira County and we have sent the money needed to build a 100 cubic meter tank and to develop a water supply system for the Nyanchanori village and the surrounding area.

Playing Fields

We plan to fund the improvement of three school soccer fields in the Nyankoba Ward, and also develop one of them with a track and field facility.


We continue to support further development of the Nyanchonori and Mong’oni Healthcare centers.


We provide materials to improve student access to a broad array of knowledge and to assist poorer students attend school, and are raising funds to enhance the school facilities in all schools in Nyankoba Ward.

Shipping Container

Purchase a shipping container and locate it in Hopewell Valley to collect donations of bulky goods for shipping to Keroka, after which the containers will become permanent secure storage in Keroka.

Map of Keroka and the Nyankoba Ward

To find the Nyankoba Ward on Google Earth, the Nyankoba Tea Factory is located at 0 deg 45 min 33 sec South and 34 deg 55 min 10 sec East. The satellite image was updated in March 2014. A road map of the Nyankoba Ward is shown below:

Help HKA Projects

To volunteer your time, a little or a lot, email us at hopewell.keroka.alliance@gmail.com

HKA is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. To make a tax-deductible donation, please mail your check made out to HKA to:
- HKA, PO Box 67, Pennington, NJ 08534

or click below to donate via PayPal using a credit card:

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